Re: there is no attribute "HEIGHT"

Hi Franck,

Sorry I forgot to mention that this has no effect if you use a 1024x768
screen, as you said the top is outside the window. If you use a 1280x1024
screen, you'd see the table in the middle of the screen, not at the top.

I don't understand why you say "vertically centred has no sense" and thus
the decision of W3C to unvalid this option. Even if it's a cosmetic feature,
as "horizontally centred" is (or <div align="center><table>...</table></div>
whatever you suggest), some people want to use it as it gives another
possibility to the design.
For me there is no technical issue that could prevent to have a clean code
while using the attribute "height", but obviously there might be one, so
would it be?


Received on Thursday, 9 June 2005 09:52:39 UTC