[VE][64] Error Message Feedback

Good Morning, I'm trying to validate a file that has a table in it.

The table is simalr to the one on your website.

But since the TR tags don't close, it wont validate ?

What should I do

<TABLE border="1" 
          summary="This table charts the number of
                   cups of coffee consumed by each senator,  
                   the type of coffee (decaf or regular),
                   and whether taken with sugar.">
     <CAPTION>Cups of coffee consumed by each senator</CAPTION>
         <TH id="header1">Name</TH>
         <TH id="header2">Cups</TH>     
         <TH id="header3" abbr="Type">Type of  Coffee</TH>   
         <TH id="header4">Sugar?</TH>
         <TD headers="header1">T. Sexton</TD>  
         <TD headers="header2">10</TD>
         <TD headers="header3">Espresso</TD>
         <TD headers="header4">No</TD>  
         <TD headers="header1">J. Dinnen</TD> 
         <TD headers="header2">5</TD>
         <TD headers="header3">Decaf</TD>
        <TD headers="header4">Yes</TD>
End example.

Evens Deshauteurs
Web Developer - Concepteur de pages Web
Appeals Technology - Technologie des appels
Phone / Téléphone : (819) 994-4142
Facsimile / télécopieur :(819) 953-8136
Government of Canada  l  Gouvernement du Canada

Received on Wednesday, 13 July 2005 08:22:47 UTC