Re: W3 Validation

Hello Trevor,

On Tue, Jan 11, 2005, Trevor Lawrence wrote:
> I have attempted to validate my HTML code 
> which incudes a small piece of CSS 
> in style.css.
> I get 2 error messages
> 1. Line 14, column 21: value of attribute "NAME" must be a single token
>  <meta name="Microsoft Border" content="t, default">
> This statement is inserted by Microsoft FrontPage. Without it the Shared 
> Borders of FP do not work

The HTML specification says that the content of the name attribute can
not contain spaces. FP is wrong, here, I am afraid, and the validator is
right. You'll have to get rid of this if you want you page to validate.

> The W3 HTML Tutorial in page
> shows an example of adding a background image in these lines:
> <h4>A background image:</h4>
> <table border="1"
> background="bgdesert.jpg">

Please note that w3schools are NOT affiliated or related to W3C. And in
this case, they also happen to be plain wrong. Since you are already
using CSS, you would benefit from moving this background declaration to
your style sheet anyway.

Hope this helps,

Received on Tuesday, 11 January 2005 07:21:24 UTC