Re: Misconfiguration?

On Mon, 2004-12-27 at 21:28 +0000, Martin Proffitt wrote:

> I've recently downloaded the current CVS build of the HTML validator

CVS HEAD is not very stable yet.  Unless you want to help hacking the
bleeding edge Validator, I'd recommend downloading production version
tarballs from

>  and installed it on Mandrake Linux 10 using the Apache2 webserver
> with Perl 5.8.3 and OpenSP 1.5
> Line 1, column 0: end of document in prolog . 
> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN'
> 'http://www.w3.or
> "
> validator-httpd.conf  has the following changes from from the default:
> In    <IfModule mod_perl.c> and <Location "/validator/check">
> I uncommented for  Perl 1.99+

That's mod_perl 1.99+, not Perl 1.99+.  Validator's support for mod_perl
is still somewhat fragile, that's one reason why that part of the config
is commented out by default.  Try without mod_perl (ie comment out those
sections again) and see if that helps.

Received on Thursday, 6 January 2005 16:53:07 UTC