Re: [VE][65] Error Message Feedback

Jeffrey Thomason wrote:
> Validating httpg
> Error [65]: "document type does not allow element X here;
> missing one of Y start-tag"
> can you tell me whats wrong with my page i have no idea

Yes, you've used a form element inside a p element.

This is Wrong:

You cannot do that, move the form element outside of the p element, like 

This is Correct:

Also, you should consider removing the presentational elements and 
attributes from your document and specifying presentation using CSS. 
ie. <font>, <center>, etc. are all presentational and should not be used.

The 2nd error is because the onsubmit attribute needs to be used on the 
form element, not the submit button.

<form onsubmit="...">

Alternatively, you could consider removing the behavioural onsubmit 
attribute and attaching an event listener dynamically using script, 
preferably in an external file.

> i have been up and down looking to see the problem...
> can you clear it up for me. thanks

W3Schools (which is not affiliated with the W3C) is not one of the 
greatest educational resources available.  It's not suprising that you 
won't find solutions to many validation problems there.

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Tuesday, 16 August 2005 10:38:00 UTC