Re: [VE][63] Error Message Feedback

Dave Coutie wrote:
> Validating
> Error [63]: "character data is not allowed here"
> It may be useful to add that the "data" may be a space character.
> I had spaces after a number of closing option tags.
> These gave the validation errors but could not be seen in the text
> editor- so were difficult to identify.

I'm quite sure the spaces did not cause the error.  You are allowed to 
have whitespace (space, tab, line-feed and carriage return) anywhere 
between tags, even if other character data is not allowed.  You must 
have had something else in there that you didn't notice, but managed to 
delete when deleting the spaces.

If, however, you can actually reproduce the error using spaces, then 
that may be a bug in the validator and can you please provide a link to 
a test case to demonstrate this.

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Monday, 15 August 2005 06:32:59 UTC