Re: [www-validator] <none>

On Thu, 14 Apr 2005, Dave Lumley wrote:

> I am puzzled by the first error generated is it possible to spread some 
> light on this
> Line 1, column 0: character "ï" not allowed in prolog
> ü/strong>?»¿<html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 
> Transitional//EN">
> I look in my file and there is nothing preceding my first line and <html> 
> tag
> the uri is

Your file begins with a UTF-8 byte-order mark (BOM), but the page contains
a <meta> tag identifying the character encoding as ISO-8859-1.  In
ISO-8859-1, the three bytes used to represent the UTF-8 BOM are "".

You should configure your text editor to not add the UTF-8 BOM.

Liam Quinn

Received on Friday, 15 April 2005 01:44:40 UTC