Re: [VE][107] Error Message Feedback

On Tue, Nov 02, 2004 at 01:37:17PM +0100, Antonello Bianchi wrote:
> Line 40, column 37: the name and VI delimiter can be omitted from an
> attribute specification only if SHORTTAG YES is specified
> <option value="it-it" selected>Italiano</option>

See section 4.5 of the XHTML 1.0

> I'm quite confused with this message because I've never herad about
> a "VI delimiter" 

Its a character which seperates the name of the attribute from its
value, i.e. "="

> nor about a name attribute related to the option tag.

Its the name of the attribute that is missing, not a name attribute.

For the benefit of the list; I've just run the URL through the
validator in verbose mode and it doesn't give a clear
explanation. Perhaps the error message should be revised? I think that
even something as simple as "If you are using XHTML see <a>section 4.5
of the specification</a>" could help here, even if only as a standby
measure until something better can be drafted.

David Dorward                            

Received on Tuesday, 2 November 2004 12:49:46 UTC