Re: [VE][79] New Error Message Suggestion

On Thu, 2004-05-27 at 13:34, John Hayes wrote:
> Line 35, column 55: end tag for element "P" which is not open
> <P><CENTER><I>Séminaires / Groupes / CE</I></CENTER></P>
> Where is the problem?

<p> can contain only inline content.
<center> is a block.
Thus <p><center> is equivalent to <p></p><center> and there is no open
<p> when you have your </p>

At least, that's the syntax problem.

It looks like you are using <p>, <center>, and <i> as a substitute for
<h3> (or some other level heading) along with a style sheet:

h3 {
  font-size: 100%;
  text-align: center;
  font-style: italic;

David Dorward       <>   <>

Received on Thursday, 27 May 2004 13:57:53 UTC