- From: Paul D.Buck <p.d.buck@comcast.net>
- Date: Sun, 23 May 2004 08:19:09 -0700
- To: www-validator@w3.org
Ok, Link validation, way cool. I use a shareware link checker on my local machine, then through local host, then as web site, and then for paranoia's sake I also run yours against my site. I use "strict" for my pages and love them all to validate. However, I have to do each page one at a time. When I only had about 50 pages this was fine, now I have over 150 and this is getting tedious. What I want is a two-stage validation tool. Stage one would be the current link tester, in my mind a clean run through this would be necessary before stage two, a page validation. So, by pointing my "Home" URL I would get a report on broken links and an indication that the page also passed/failed validation for doctype for the entire site. At this stage I would not want or ask for a comprehensive error message. I just want to know which pages are bad (I see the same problem with the link checker, as best as I can tell there is no way to limit the report to just failures, then again, maybe I am just an idiot). There you have it. Full site diagnostic, links bad and pages bad all in one swell foop .... Paul
Received on Sunday, 23 May 2004 11:19:44 UTC