Custom DTD Support (was: Re: frameset and frame borders)

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Terje Bless <> wrote:

>Jukka K. Korpela <> wrote:
>>The test case I constructed in this context is
>> (a trivial frameset
>>page with the nonstandard attributes discussed). […]
>This appears to be an issue caused by intersecting behaviours in the
>Entity Manager and Catalog Manager of our SGML Parser. In essence it is
>prefering the document type name ("html") as a resolution mechanism over
>the system identifier (the URL of your custom DTD) provided in the
>document instance. […]

Following up on this issue…

The v0.6.6 release on 2004-05-21 contained some configuration changes to the
Catalog Manager mechanism in the Validator's SGML Parser that should alleviate
this problem. If possible, we would appreciate it if you could resubmit your
document for processing and let us know whether this has resolved the issue
you reported.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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Version: PGP SDK 3.0.3


Received on Saturday, 22 May 2004 14:14:55 UTC