[VE][79] New Error Message Suggestion

Dear w3,

I encountered a false error report from the HTML Validator.

In a page I made, URL http://www.thalaspa.ru/thalaspa/pricelist-pro.htm, is
the following code written on 1 line:

document.write( '<a
p://www.rbc.ru&src_url=dm_cb88x31.gif" target="_blank"><img
src="http://pics.rbc.ru/img/grinf/dm_cb88x31.gif?'+ Math.floor(
100000*Math.random() ) + '" WIDTH="88" HEIGHT="31" border="0"></a>');

This line is correct in regard to the opening and closing of the <a> tag,
inspite of what the validator reports.

The doctype of this page is:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

With kind regards,

Alex Stienstra

Received on Saturday, 22 May 2004 10:10:17 UTC