Re: Strange validation behaviour in a noscript tag

* Alexander Poquet wrote:
>It complains about the following piece of markup:
><div class="dynamic">
>  <!-- This simply writes a new image everytime the user loads the page -->
>  <script type="text/javascript" src="imgrotate.js.en"></script>
>  <noscript>
>    <img src="images/index_left_pic02.jpg" alt="" class="leftpic"><br class="nodisp">
>    <img src="images-en/index_right_pic02.jpg" alt="Foremost in Customer Service" class="rightpic">
>  </noscript>

>I believe this may be a bug.  It complains that the img and br elements in the
>noscript block are not enclosed by a parent block-level tag (p, div, etc).

Correctly so, only %block; elements may be children of the <noscript>
element, <>,
use HTML 4.01 Transitional to allow a richer content model.

Received on Thursday, 11 March 2004 08:14:37 UTC