Re: Using the Validator

On 2 Mar 2004, at 13:34, Keith Roberts wrote:
> Just getting to grips with using the HTML validator.
> I use the
> page.
> Would it be possible to have a 'Re-validate this page'
> button

In practical terms, it isn't really feasible. While in most cases it is 
possible to resubmit form data by using server side processing to 
populate the values of the form with submitted data, for file uploads 
this isn't possible (If it were then any form could include <input 
type='file' value='/etc/passwd' ...> for example).

However, most web browsers are equipped with a Refresh/Reload function, 
often mapped to the F5 key and a browser toolbar. You will likely find 
that this will resubmit your data.

David Dorward

Received on Tuesday, 2 March 2004 08:39:50 UTC