Re: [VE][338] Error Message Feedback

On 14 Jun 2004, at 17:27, M. wrote:

> What is when you use PHP Sesions? The Parser thing it is a failure. 
> How can I become W3C when i use PHP variable in my link?

I refer you to the PHP documentation:

    Note:  The arg_separator.output  php.ini directive allows
    to customize the argument seperator. For full XHTML conformance,
    specify &amp; there.

This isn't very well worded, it might be better if it said: "For 
conformance with any version of XHTML or HTML published by ISO or the 
W3C". There is no reason whatsoever to use & instead of &amp; - but 
that's the default for PHP.

David Dorward

Received on Tuesday, 15 June 2004 12:20:37 UTC