- From: TROJjER - Marc Kirkwood <marcpetkirkwood@hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 06 Jun 2004 02:36:19 +0100
- To: www-validator@w3.org
I have allocated a page as HTML 4.01 Transitional, and I am curious as to why the only errors The Validator filters from the source code are pertaining to the nature of the <p> tags, which I felt as though were dutifully closed with </p>, in keeping with my thoughts regarding the Standard. However, the SGML parser dictates that the tags are "unopened". I thought this was compliant--in fact, necessary--future-proof practice; was I mistaken in this case? I feel that I perhaps needn't bother to omit the closing tags, as they are of course a good idea to include... So I will keep them regardless, I think. I would up the DOCTYPE to the Strict DTD; but that results in numerous error reports and as of yet, I am rather unwilling to tackle the horde of "illegal attributes" and unrecognised entities (well, okay, not so much of the latter) which prevail. Or, perhaps throwing open the gauntlet here, I don't know, but does the presence of a <hr /> entity within such a <p> container effectively negate the usage of a closing </p> tag? I somewhat doubt this; but it was the only alternative I could think of... Another of my grievances, but with regards to the XHTML hosts this time: *Why* does the engine parse URLs??? It is really annoying and I find it rather trivial that characters such as ampersands have to be escaped in the *source code*--since when did HTML special entity characters become involved with the content of href attributes, for example--excluding the indirect nature of querysting value GET submissals (which I think should only be actually parsed by the *intended destination* of the URL; i.e. the action script)??? It makes it an annoying factor when dealing with serverside scripts etc--I am curious as to why the nature of the parser, or its maintainers and developers, does not allow for such href URL attributes to be exempt from such entity parsing; and for them to be treated as exact strings dormant at the parse-time of the referring page from whence they are called, rather than, seemedly, the *rest* of the source code. Furthermore, even if I *was* to use such special entities, I always adhere to the convention of terminating them with a semicolon (e.g. &). Am I mistaken here? Is it not, in fact, a *dictation* of the Standard by now, that this must be done? Then why is there an annoying measure which backwardly dictates that "anything immediately following an ampersand in HTML has the potential to be confused with a special character entity"--when, in fact, it surely should only be true if, and when, there is a semicolon at the end? I do not understand this... Could it be due to the read-order of the engine itself? Even so, I do not know why it should produce an error. Is it that, once an ampersand is found, and the characters to the right of it are not acknowledged to be such character references, it results in a "hiccup" even though a semicolon may not be present at all? I hope you are able to provide some enlightenment in a response to this email; and I apologise for any threads of a discourteous nature which may have somehow managed to weave themselves into my writing... -Marc Kirkwood. ~ What may seem as compensation for the difficulties of a person may inevitably be seen as patronisation to them. _________________________________________________________________ Want to block unwanted pop-ups? Download the free MSN Toolbar now! http://toolbar.msn.co.uk/
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