Re: Installation article on Apple's Dev site

On Mon, 2004-07-26 at 21:04, Pete Prodoehl wrote:
> Apple has an article titled "Installing the W3C HTML Validator on Mac OS 
> X" which seems to have come out last week:

Hm, nice, but based on the CVS checkout instructions and list of modules
to install, they seem to be using CVS HEAD which is (and has been for a
long time) almost guaranteed to be broken until further notice :(

If one wants to install a working validator, it is strongly recommended
to use the distribution tarballs, or at least the latest release tag
(currently validator-0_6_7-release) or the "stable" branch
(validator-0_6_0-branch) from CVS.

More info: (which by the way should have
validator-0_6_7-release in CVS instructions, not 0_6_6)

Received on Monday, 26 July 2004 17:38:57 UTC