
Dear Webmaster,

One of our customers recently had his website vetted (and accepted) by the
UK National Grid for Learning.  Within their procedure they pointed out that
the site was not HTML 4.01 complient.  I corrected the various small defects
and added your logo.  I copied and pasted the HTML from your validation
'success' page without paying much attention to the detail and checked that
it worked with IE.

My customer said that he could only occasionaly see the logo (he uses AOL).

On investigation I find that the code that I copied was:

<a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer"><img
          alt="Valid HTML 4.01!" width="88" height="31" border="0"</a>

You'll notice that the file is just ...valid-html401 rather than
valid-html401.gif or valid-html401.png although I now see that both of these
are in your Icons directory.  I'm guessing this is the reason for his
problem.  Do you have any comments?


Steve and Diana Kimpton
The Word Pool

Received on Wednesday, 7 July 2004 14:54:26 UTC