Re: validating (x)html documents from the command line

I guess if the content is in XHTML, then xsltproc can also be used. All
major distro of linux now include xsltproc

Saqib Ali
------------- <---- DocBook XML -> HTML Convertor

On Fri, 30 Jan 2004, Beton, Richard wrote:

> Olav wrote:
> >is there any way to validate a html document from the unix or dos
> >command line?
> >
> >(the objective is to check a lot of files in a flash without having to
> >click buttons and selecting from file dialogs for each file)
> >
> >
> I converted my site to XHTML and now I use Ant with the validate task to
> check all my files before I upload them.
> (
> Here's the relevant bits of my Ant buildfile:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <project name="WHR Website" default="validate" basedir=".">
>   <xmlcatalog id="commonDTDs">
>     <dtd
>          publicId="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
>          location="htdocs/dtd/w3c/xhtml1-strict.dtd"/>
>     <dtd
>          publicId="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
>          location="htdocs/dtd/w3c/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"/>
>     <dtd
>          publicId="-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.0//EN"
>          location="htdocs/dtd/w3c/xhtml-basic10.dtd"/>
>     <dtd
>          publicId="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
>          location="htdocs/dtd/w3c/xhtml11.dtd"/>
>     <dtd
>          publicId="-//WHR//DTD JINDEX 1.0//EN"
>          location="htdocs/dtd/jindex.dtd"/>
>     <dtd
>          publicId="-//WHR//DTD PAGE 1.0//EN"
>          location="htdocs/dtd/page.dtd"/>
>     <dtd
>          publicId="-//WHR//DTD JPAGE 1.0//EN"
>          location="htdocs/dtd/jpage.dtd"/>
>   </xmlcatalog>
>   <!--
> =================================================================== -->
>   <target name="validate"
>           depends="xml.validate, xhtml.validate"
>           description="=== Validates all XML and XHTML files against
> their DTD ===">
>   </target>
>   <!--
> =================================================================== -->
>   <target name="xml.validate"
>           description="=== Validates all XML files against their DTD ===">
>       <xmlvalidate>
>         <xmlcatalog refid="commonDTDs"/>
>         <fileset dir="xdocs" includes="**/*.xml"/>
>       </xmlvalidate>
>   </target>
>   <!--
> =================================================================== -->
>   <target name="xhtml.validate"
>           description="=== Validates all XHTML files against their DTD ===">
>       <xmlvalidate>
>         <xmlcatalog refid="commonDTDs"/>
>         <fileset dir="htdocs" includes="**/*.html"/>
>       </xmlvalidate>
>   </target>
> </project>
> Note that I have a local cache of DTDs to speed it up (in my htdocs/dtd
> folder).  I have three additional DTDs that I use to validate XML files
> of my own format - you can ignore these unless you also have XML source
> files, in which case you substitute your own.
> I have a question too.  The Ant validate task is quite slow - monitoring
> tools suggest it does a lot of network i/o (presumably fetching DTDs
> etc).  Does anyone know of a way to speed this up, in addition to using
> a local XML catalogue.
> Rick :-)
> --
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Received on Friday, 30 January 2004 17:34:06 UTC