Minimized Tag Values in XHTML Validator

Dear All,

I was validating a page with an expanded attribute value for which HTML
4.0 allows minimized attributes. For example:

<input type=... checked> becomes <input type=... checked="checked"/>

The validator complained that the value I had specified for the expanded
attribute was incorrect. The XHTML 1.0 specification doesn't actually
specify what the values are for expanded attributes, although, they give
an example like the one cited above.

Unless there is a place in the specification that requires expanded
attribute names must equal attribute values, the XHTML validator is
incorrect. Could someone please clarify this behavior? Was it intended, if
so why, or was it a mistake, i.e., implemented from the example and not
the specification?

Best Regards,

Travis Breaux

Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2004 19:54:43 UTC