XHTML validator problems

The page at

validates as XHTML1.0 Transitional using the online validator at

But when I change the DTD to Strict it fails
Also if I change the DTD to XHTML 1.1 it fails 
align="right" not valid in IMG (line 50)
But there is no objection to 
Align="left" in IMG (line58)
I'm obviously missing a trick here - help please?

If I validate using the online URL (transitional) all is OK
But if I use a local copy and upload I get the following error message

Note: The HTTP Content-Type header sent by your web browser (unknown) did
not contain a "Charest" parameter, but the Content-Type was one of the XML
text/* sub-types (text/xml). The relevant specification (RFC 3023) specifies
a strong default of "us-ASCII" for such documents so we will use this value
regardless of any encoding you may have indicated elsewhere. If you would
like to use a different encoding, you should arrange to have your browser
send this new encoding information.

Any suggestions?

Allan Smith
Telford Steam Railway

Received on Wednesday, 21 January 2004 04:15:45 UTC