Problem with validator and client side Image Map

I have a problem with an IMAGE map at

Since I uploaded that page - and hovering over the hotspot did NOT indicate
a link I have tried the following which works

<map id="fpmap0">
<area href="usage.shtml" shape "rect" coords="237, 104, 272, 129"
alt="Telford Steam Railway" /> </map> <img class="none"
alt="Detailed extract from the Ordnance Survey showing the location of
Telford Steam Railway" 
usemap="#fpmap0" width="445" height="280" 
title="Detailed extract from the Ordnance Survey showing the location of
Telford Steam Railway" />

This code works but does not validate
The error message objects to 
saying that '#' is not permitted

but if I take the # out it validates - but doesn't work

What did I do wrong?

Allan Smith

Received on Monday, 16 February 2004 09:24:47 UTC