Re: [VE][63] Error Message Feedback - HELP!!!

On Wed, 2004-12-08 at 09:14 +0000, Alaor Barroso de Carvalho Neto wrote:
> Why when i closing the empty tag <area> like in the sentence:
> <area shape="rect" coords="434,131,499,151" href="http://web_address" 
> alt="Principal" />
> The HTML Validator send an error like this:
> You have used character data somewhere it is not permitted to appear. 

A URI to the full document is usually helpful. The most likely cause of
this is that you are using XHTML style self-closing tags in an HTML
document. <foo /> has different meanings in HTML and XHTML and you
should not use XHTML style self closing tags in HTML..

David Dorward <>

Received on Wednesday, 8 December 2004 18:36:11 UTC