Local services does not work

The MarkUp Validation Service installed in local machine does not work
correctly.  Every ducumento turns out not validated (also www.w3.org). 
To the contrary, if I execute the validation from console:  onsgmls -c
/usr/local/validator/htdocs/sgml-lib/xml.soc - E0 - R - wvalid -
wnon-SGML-char-ref - wno-duplicate - wxml http://www.w3.org the document
comes validated.  Which it could be the problem?

Antonio Musarra
Ricerca & Sviluppo
Mail: antonio.musarra@romcad.it
Cell: +39 328 8113527 
Tel: +39 06 6636614/5
Fax: +39 06 6637337
00165 Roma - Circ.ne Aurelia, 15

Received on Tuesday, 2 September 2003 04:03:50 UTC