Re: HTML 3.2, semicolon missing on ñ

On Thu, 30 Oct 2003, Brent Petersen wrote:

> In HTML 3.2, if I code Espaņol using Espa&#241ol, the
> validator at does not do what I
> expect.

Then you need to tune your expectations.

> This page validates as HTML 3.2.  The semicolon is
> missing after 241.  I think the page is not valid HTML
> 3.2.

The construct Espa&#241ol contains no markup error. In HTML 3.2,
SGML rules apply, so that "The refc [= semicolon] or
RE [= record end, i.e. end of line] can be omitted only if the reference
is not followed by a character that could occur in the reference, or by a
character that could be interpreted as the omitted reference end."
(The SGML standard, clause 9.4.5)
Since the letter "o" cannot be part of the character reference,
the semicolon is optional.

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela,

Received on Thursday, 30 October 2003 16:36:41 UTC