framesets and the validator icon


i have one little nitpick about the validator:

i teach html and javascript for an interactive media program (at and use the validator pretty much every class. the one thing
that i wish would be changed is the way the validator icon is offered, even
when you're checking your frameset pages.

      <a href=""><img border="0"
          alt="Valid HTML 4.01!" height="31" width="88"></a>

as soon as you paste the above code into your frameset page it becomes
invalid html, so why display it? (and there's no point to adding it to your
noframes code because if their browser doesn't support frames they probably
care less that you've taken the time to create a valid frameset, right?)

that's my two bits - other than that i LOVE the validator, it's an
invaluable resource for every class i've had.

Danny Mather,
HTML & JavaScript Instructor
VFS Interactive Media

Vancouver Film School. Creative. Disciplined. Focused.

Received on Thursday, 23 October 2003 17:11:06 UTC