Biometric Survey

Biometric Industry Survey

We need your help. As you well know, information from within the biometric 
industry is worth its weight in gold. We are soliciting your thoughts on several 
topics of critical interest to the biometric community. They are summarized 
into just 8 questions. Please take two minutes to complete the survey, if you 
have not yet done so.  

Just click on the web address below to complete the form. -  A sincere thanks 
for your input. 



Biometric Industry Survey


What do you think about the biometric industry?Do you feel there should be 
a designated spokesperson or organization for the biometric industry? Who should 
that be? How do you perceive the media is treating the industry today? Do you 
feel some vendors are overstating their product effectiveness and value to 
the market? What do you feel are the primary deterrents to biometrics today? 
Should biometric newsletters in the industry report on the negative aspects 
of biometrics? What is most needed in the biometric industry today? These are 
just a few of the questions asked in our current survey distributed just this 
past Friday. If you have not yet completed your response, please do so right 
away. We will be glad to send you the results. Just click on the following 
web address or cut and paste this into your browser.


The survey has 8 questions and we will be glad to furnish you with your personal 
copy of the results.  This is not a scientific type survey, but just an opinion 
survey.  Please give us your thoughts and opinions on these subjects. We asked 
some of these questions in our January 2002 survey. We will compare the answers 
received today back against those received in January 2002. Is the industry 
thinking the same today as it did almost two years ago?  We hope to find out.


To complete the survey information, please click on the following wed address 
or cut and past this into your web browser. It will take you less than two 
minutes to complete





Biometric Conference Slides Available on CD

If you missed the two-day Biometric Summit in February 2003 in Miami Beach, 
you’re in luck. The power point slides from all 16 sessions, biographies of 
speakers, handouts, hyperlinks to vendor web sites, two years worth of biometric 
newsletters, 869 pages in total and all in full color are now available on 
a CD. The availability of the full conference perfectly captures the attitude 
of the presentations at a very affordable cost. Download information and an 
order form from:








Bill Rogers

Publisher, Biometric Digest




- - - -
Bill Rogers
Biometric Digest & Biometric Media Weekly
P.O. Box 510047
St. Louis, MO  63151-0047
Tel: 314-892-8632;  Fax: 314-487-5198

Received on Monday, 20 October 2003 14:03:06 UTC