
Hi all, =)

I have a small question about the validator - it seems to spit dummies when it comes to whats in side the "no script" tag..

this is that page


Can anyone suggest a reason as to why? (its more about the "&" and "=" in the href  that its argueing about.) and the coding is correct according to the other W3 pages on the topic of noscript

I have tried
<noscript></noscript> both in and out of the div tags
without div tags
comment tags (that worked but it the browser didn't show the text as it was in comment tags =) i thought it was worth a shot)

the reason why i think it is the script tags is because further on down the page i have links that have similar urls with "&" and "=" in them and its not spitting about them (the "superiorquality" div its not complaining about.)

also can i can any opinions about that page? as that will be like a template for the new version of my site (with out the no script tags its transitional compliant)

Thanks heaps


Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2003 01:36:28 UTC