Re: [VE][108] New Error Message Suggestion


I think the error tht you are talking about is generated by onsgmls. XML
is case-sensitive. All the attributes are defined in a DTD. onsgmls
validates against a DTD, and if the attribute isn't a valid attribute in
the DTD (case-sensitive), onsgmls will produce the err msg. onsgmls
doesn't care that only the case of an attribute in wrong.

In Peace,
Saqib Ali
--------- <--- XHTML/HTML/DocBook Validator

On Sun, 2 Nov 2003, Dru Sellers wrote:

> This particular error seems to be of a String Format type. Instead of
> saying that this document type does not support this attribute it would
> be more informative to say that the attribute is not formatted correctly
> and that all attributes should be cast in lower case.
> <input id="v" onblur="" />
> <input id="d" onBlur="" />
> Thanks for the great tools!!!
> Dru Sellers
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Received on Sunday, 2 November 2003 17:30:44 UTC