- From: Hawaii International Conference on Sciences <sciences@hicsciences.org>
- Date: Mon, 5 May 2003 08:08:00 -1000
- To: "Hawaii International Conferences" <hicsciences@hicsciences.org>
Call for Papers/Abstracts/Submissions Hawaii International Conference on Sciences January 15 - 18, 2004 Renaissance Ilikai Waikiki Hotel, Honolulu Hawaii, USA Submission Deadline: August 25, 2003 Web address: http://www.hicsciences.org/ Email address: sciences@hicsciences.org The 2004 Hawaii International Conference on Sciences will be held from January 15 (Thursday) to January 18 (Sunday), 2004 at the Renaissance Ilikai Waikiki Hotel in Honolulu, Hawaii. The conference will provide many opportunities for academicians and professionals from sciences and related fields to interact with members inside and outside their own particular disciplines. Cross-disciplinary submissions are welcome. Topic Areas (All Areas of the Sciences are Invited) *Agricultural Sciences *Anatomy *Animal Sciences *Astronomy *Astrophysics *Biochemistry *Biology *Biophysics *Botany *Chemistry *Entomology *Environmental Science *Exercise Health Science *Fisheries and Wildlife *Food Science *Forensic Science *Forestry *Geology *Horticulture *Marine Biology *Meteorology *Microbiology *Neuroscience *Oceanography *Physical Therapy *Physics *Science Education *Soil Science *Toxicology *Zoology *Cross-disciplinary areas of Science with other areas are also encouraged *Other Areas of Science The Hawaii International Conference on Sciences encourages the following types of papers/abstracts/submissions for any of the listed areas: Research Papers - Completed papers. Abstracts - Abstracts of completed or proposed research. Student Papers - Research by students. Poster Sessions/Research Tables - informal presentation of papers or abstracts. Work-in-Progress Reports or Proposals for future projects. Reports on issues related to teaching. Panel Discussions, Practitioner Forums and Tutorials are invited. Workshop proposals are invited. For more information about submissions see: http://www.hicsciences.org/CallForPapers_Sci.htm Submission Guidelines 1. Submissions may be made electronically via e-mail to sciences@hicsciences.org or mailed. Electronic submissions are preferred. Submissions will be acknowledged within 48 hours. If submissions are mailed, submit two copies of your paper, report, abstract, proposal or study. Submissions imply that at least one author will register for the conference and be present at the time designated in the conference program. Submissions must be received by August 25, 2003. E-Mail, fax or mail submissions to: Hawaii International Conference on Sciences P.O. Box 75036 Honolulu HI, 96836, USA Telephone: (808) 949-1542 Fax: (808) 947-2420 E-mail: sciences@hicsciences.org There is a limit of two contributed papers per lead author. 2. Each submission must include a separate title page as outlined below: a. title of the submission, b. topic area of the submission (available at http://www.hicsciences.org/CallForPapers_Sci.htm), c. two or three keywords that describe the submission, d. name(s) of the author(s), e. mailing address(es), f. e-mail address(es), g. phone number(s), h. fax number(s), i. corresponding author if different than lead author. Correspondence regarding receipt of submission will be made by e-mail unless another mode of correspondence is requested. BE SURE AND INCLUDE THE TOPIC AREA AND TWO OR THREE KEY WORDS DESCRIBING THE SUBMISSION. 3. Submissions will only be published in the conference proceedings if at least one of the authors attends the conference. Instructions for submitting a computer readable format for the proceedings will be provided when the submission is accepted. 4. If you wish to be a reviewer, session chair, or discussant, please e-mail your request to sciences@hicsciences.org and indicate the topic area in which you are interested. Registration for the conference is required to be a session chair or discussant. Web address: http://www.hicsciences.org/ Email Address: sciences@hicsciences.org To be removed from this list, please reply to this e-mail with the word remove in the subject heading. Hawaii International Conference on Sciences P.O. Box 75036 Honolulu, Hawaii 96836, USA Telephone: (808) 949-1542 Fax: (808) 947-2420 E-mail: sciences@hicsciences.org Website: http://www.hicsciences.org/
Received on Monday, 5 May 2003 15:04:13 UTC