Re: Help from validator?

Greetings Martin.

On Thursday, Feb 20, 2003, at 08:41 Asia/Tokyo, Martin Klaffenboeck 
> It seems, the validator is a good thing to create valide (x)html code. 
>  But does the validator really say how the most used Browser (Internet 
> Explorer) behaves if my code is valide?
> [snip]
> What do I have to do now?  And whats the validator for?  Seems the 
> validator does not really help in web design.

Whose fault is it if a browser renders a good page badly?  It could be 
the browser vendor which shipped a buggy product. It could also be, in 
all honesty, the groups which designed HTML and CSS and made it 
difficult to implement. Could be.

But the validator(s)? Coffee helps me a lot when I design a web site. 
The fact that the validator doesn't make coffee doesn't make it useless 
for web design. It's just... not its job. Neither is it its job to fix 
buggy browsers. The validator is here to help people build better web 
pages. It doesn't even do that perfectly, but we're trying! :)

As for bugs in implementations of W3C standards, W3C itself doesn't 
track them, but you, as a customer, can complain to vendors about it...

Olivier Thereaux - W3C - QA : |

Received on Wednesday, 19 February 2003 22:59:25 UTC