- From: Christopher M Jackson <C.M.Jackson@cs.cardiff.ac.uk>
- Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 14:54:59 +0000 (GMT)
- To: www-validator@w3.org
1.Line 15, column 27: the name and VI delimiter can be omitted from an attribute specification only if SHORTTAG YES is specified <td rowspan="2" nowrap bgcolor="#003399"> ^ I can find nothing in the XHTML spec regarding "VI delimiters" and searching via the Google-powered search only returns results on this mailing list, none of which are related to this error. As a feature suggestion, it would be useful if the validator privded a link with each error either to the relevant part of the spec it referrs to or to an explanation of what the error is. PS - For some reason my first post here isn't showing up in the archives. While I'm not subscribed, I have found enough clue to spot that my post *should* appear in the archives, along with any responses to it. -- Chris M. Jackson Professional Slacker
Received on Tuesday, 11 February 2003 11:03:26 UTC