Re: Apostrophe Chokes XHTML Validator...

* CSGallagher wrote:
>The XHTML Validator at http//
>does not like apostrophes using either iso-8859-1 or 
>UTF-8 encoding. I have also tried to replace the literal 
>use of an apostrophe with the character entity ' 
>but to no avail.
>Oddly, the text matter using the apostrophes did not
>choke the validator until recently.

You are using U+2019 instead of U+0027 encoded in Windows-1252 instead
of ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8, this won't work. You can use ’ or ' or
encode the ’ in UTF-8 and the validator will stop complaining.

Received on Sunday, 1 September 2002 23:52:47 UTC