Validation problem with body in style sheet

I have a style sheet that uses a construct like {}.  I link in
the stylesheet in the <head></head> section of my html.  The validator
seems to think that the "body" it sees in the stylesheet is a body tag
in my html document.  It consequently shows a parse tree with a <body>
tag starting at whatever point I link the stylesheet.  
For example, If the first line in my <head> section is the link to the
stylesheet, it will parse in a body tag right there and then tell me
that my <meta> tag is out of place.  If I move the stylesheet link AFTER
the <meta> tag, that error is no longer reported by the validator, and
so on as I move the stylesheet <link> down through my <head> section.
It always is telling me that </head> is invalid because I am out of the
head section (because when it parsed the stylesheet it seems to have
inserted a <body> tag).
The " {}" styles are the first items in my stylesheet.  I
haven't experimented to see if that makes a difference or not.

Received on Sunday, 24 March 2002 23:34:05 UTC