Re: FW: Error message: Unknown character set

On Fri, 14 Jun 2002, Terje Bless wrote:

> wrote:

When did he write that?  I can't find it, and doesn't show
it as a reference for your message.

> >Did anyone install the Validator on a Solaris system?

Not this validator, but I have built a similar validator on Solaris,
in less-than-ideal circumstances[1].  There were issues concerning
the OpenSP build and libraries.

> Nope; and I'll bet this is related. Perhaps your Apache error_log contained
> some messages about Text::Iconv or iconv_open?

Erm - that's at the Perl level.  If that were the problem, it would
show itself when you tried to build Text::Iconv.

>	 If you don't use a recent
> glibc (which Solaris doesn't by default), you need to get libiconv
> seperately (or install glibc) for character encoding conversions to work.

glibc has builtin iconv; many other libc implementations don't.  Cross-
platform builds (such as Perl and autoconf) handle this by adding -liconv
to the LDFLAGS where necessary.

Nick Kew

Available for contract work - Programming, Unix, Networking, Markup, etc.

Received on Saturday, 15 June 2002 09:21:37 UTC