
On Thu, 17 Jan 2002, Liam Quinn wrote:

> On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Michael Jackson <> wrote:
> > On Fri, 21 Dec 2001, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
> >
> > > * Treasurer - BCS Newcastle & District wrote:
> > > >Lynx 2.6 refuses to display the output from the validator.
> > >
> > > Any reason given?
> >
> > 	I just thought I'd enquire how you were getting-on with
> > 	working out why the validation results can't be displayed
> > 	on some browsers.
> Lynx 2.6 doesn't support the UTF-8 character encoding that the validator
> returns.  Lynx releases from the past 2-3 years handle it fine.


	Thanks for the answer. So validator doesn't attempt backwards
	compatibility in at least ISO-8859-1 for browsers that don't
	support UTF-8?  That's a great shame.

	What I don't understand is why when I look at:


	(which is the second reference to UTF-8 shown when you google
	for it), it says (proudly) at the end of the first para:

		"This web page is encoded directly in UTF-8."

	And Lynx show source shows:

	<title>UTF-8 Sampler</title>
	<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

	What I don't get is why that page displays in Lynx 2.6 `fine'*.

	Could not validator gracefully display the content like Kermit's
	UTF-8 treatise?

	Best regards,

	*The page contains samples of text in multiple languages.
	Obviously Lynx 2.6 fails to display the non Latin one in any
	readable form.

Received on Friday, 18 January 2002 04:08:13 UTC