Re: Visual Impairment & PCs

Lois Nida <> wrote:

>Hello,  I have a 49 yr. old daughter who had 4 strokes 2 yrs. ago;
>has impaired vision; would benefit greatly from having a computer &
>learning how to use it.  [...] Is there any agency or anywhere, or
>anyone who helps  handicapped people get & learn how to use a

I'm sorry, I'm not that familiar with this subject, but perhaps the members
of the Web Accessibility Activity Education & Outreach group might be able
to help you.

See <> and the mailinglist <>.

"Allright... Calm down! Relax! Start breathin´..."         -- Dr. D.R.E.

Received on Friday, 6 December 2002 01:37:15 UTC