Re: xhtml

* taga Oroquieta wrote:
>I have a file with *.htm extension. It is an xhtml file.
>I also have images in the file that I need to declare the
>Image Entity. In order to have a 0% parsing error,
>I inserted the Image Entity declaration in the Doc type declaration.
>When viewing the file (*.htm), it has an unexpected chars "]>"
>displayed at the start of the file. 
>How am I going to declare the image entity in without parsing error
>and displaying the unexpected chars?

This is not a W3C HTML Validator question, it's an XHTML Authoring
Question (or better, an XHTML implementation issue, i.e., your browser
obviously does not support XHTML), I suggest to post such questions to
the XHTML-L list [1].


Received on Thursday, 29 August 2002 21:41:35 UTC