Re: Opening a link in a new window...

At 15:14 -0700 on 04/21/2002, Thanasis Kinias wrote about Re: Opening 
a link in a new window...:

>scripsit Charles Walker:
>>  One more question: Validator doesn't allow the "target" attribute of
>>  an anchor tag in strict HTML 4.01; while not deprecated, it's
>>  considered "loose DTD", and is therefore unacceptable. 
>>  Therefore how, in Strict HTML 4.01, do you target a link to a new
>>  window?
>The short answer is:  you don't.
>The long answer is that targeting a link to open in a new window
>violates the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines [1], and (if you're in
>the United States or other country with comparable antidiscrimination
>legislation) is quite possibly illegal under federal civil rights law.
>Radical changes of focus in a GUI environment are extremely disorienting
>to blind users who are navigating by screen reader, and thus can be
>considered discrimination against the visually impaired.

So you are saying that if I have a Frames Web Site (with a Navigation 
Frame and a Contents frame), I get to choose what type of Crime I 
commit when I try to link to someone-else's site. I either violate 
the Section 508 Standards [WCAG/ ADA Law] by opening another window 
or I display the other site's content in my Frame thus committing a 
Copyright violation by appearing to claim it is my content. I'd 
rather just open a new window and [for the Blind Users], warn them in 
a <A ... TITLE="Opens A New Window" ...>. If their screen reader 
ignores the TITLE, I've done my part and it is their job to gripe 
about lack of TITLE support to the Screen Reader Software Publisher. 
Note that I am not against following the ADA Law, it is just that I 
feel that they have no right to scream discrimination if I have done 
my job by providing the info for their screen reader to read to them. 
I have a boss who is blind and thus uses JAWS so I am sensitive to 
the issue of creating sites that are accessible. I am just trying to 
balance two conflicting requirements - Section 508 Compliance and 
Copyright Law (as backed up by the Netizen Standards of opening other 
site's content in its own window not in one of my content Frames).

Bob Rosenberg
RockMUG Webmaster

Received on Friday, 26 April 2002 22:22:45 UTC