Re: New version of Quality Tips for Webmaster

scripsit Bjoern Hoehrmann:
> * Terje Bless wrote:
> >...what logic is there behind putting it at the end of the _structure_ of
> >the results page? It belongs at the top so it gets put at the top. Not
> >because that's what "looks good" in the browser, but because that is where
> >it logically belongs in the structure.
> Navigation does not belong to the document body at all, it makes no
> sense at the beginning as it doesn't make sense at the end.

Hola, Björn.

Where would you put the navigation, given the limitations of HTML and
currently-deployed UAs?  (I love the <link> element, but only Lynx, Moz,
and iCab AFAIK grok it.)

I instinctively agree that, en principe, navigation is meta-data and
should be segregated from the data proper... I just know how you
implement that.

Thanasis Kinias
Web Developer, Information Technology
Graduate Student, Department of History
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.

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Received on Friday, 26 April 2002 15:19:53 UTC