Re: [Bug] Website not valid misslead the validator

Thanks for reporting this bug. It's really weird.
I'm not sure the ';' in
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;">
is legal, but I also have no idea how the validator
gets to deduce a character encoding of 'http'.

Anyway, this bug doesn't appear anymore in the test
version of the new code, please see e.g.

Regards,    Martin.

At 15:30 02/04/11 -0400, Karl Dubost wrote:
>the website is not valid, but the validator has problem.
>Sorry! A fatal error occurred when attempting to transcode the character 
>encoding of the document. Either we do not support this character encoding 
>yet, or you have specified a non-existent character encoding (often a 
>The detected character encoding was "http".
>The error was "".
>Start of the file

Received on Friday, 12 April 2002 04:57:12 UTC