- From: Sascha Claus <SC_LE@gmx.de>
- Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 22:05:12 +0200
- To: Christoph Päper <christoph.paeper@tu-clausthal.de>
- CC: www-validator@w3.org
Christoph Päper wrote: > [application/xhtml+xml] <URL:http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-validator/2002Feb/0066.html> <URL:http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-validator/2002Feb/0060.html> > > Ok, so wešre now to the point where what we get is known to be generic XML. > > Now what? Can I go ahead and assume SGML-type semantics for the XML > > Application in question? Will it have a nice easy flattended DTD I can > > expect SP to handle? Or does this particular brand of application/xhtml+xml > > require XML Schema Validation? Namespaces? Do I need something that groks > > M12N? What are the Character Encoding semantics? What are the higher-level > > semantics so I can implement pretty-but-not-formal features (aka. > > łlinting˛)? (Huh, what's that for an encoding?) -- Sascha »SCommmodore« Claus WBG Kontakt, L. E., Germany mailto:SC_LE@gmx.de PGP-key:0x9E095CA2 The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. (Sir Winston Leonard Spencer "Winnie" Churchill)
Received on Friday, 5 April 2002 15:06:25 UTC