attributes with missing values yield different errors?

Assuming a full HTML 4.01 document a table element is written as so

<table border>

The validator doesn't complain.

The attributes for table are declared as

<!ATTLIST TABLE                        -- table element --
   %attrs;                              -- %coreattrs, %i18n, %events --
   summary     %Text;         #IMPLIED  -- purpose/structure for speech 
   width       %Length;       #IMPLIED  -- table width --
   border      %Pixels;       #IMPLIED  -- controls frame width around 
table --
   frame       %TFrame;       #IMPLIED  -- which parts of frame to 
render --
   rules       %TRules;       #IMPLIED  -- rulings between rows and 
cols --
   cellspacing %Length;       #IMPLIED  -- spacing between cells --
   cellpadding %Length;       #IMPLIED  -- spacing within cells --
   align       %TAlign;       #IMPLIED  -- table position relative to 
window --
   bgcolor     %Color;        #IMPLIED  -- background color for cells --
   %reserved;                           -- reserved for possible future 
use --
   datapagesize CDATA         #IMPLIED  -- reserved for possible future 
use --

This seems reasonable, since HTML supports attribute minimization, so 
this should be expanded to <table border=border> conceptually, and since 
%pixels is ultimately defined as CDATA, the validator lets it by. Is 
this the correct analysis?

However, to throw a twist into the mix, if you write

<table bgcolor>


<table summary>

The validator says:

	Error: "SUMMARY" is not a member of a group specified for any attribute

What is the validator trying to tell me?

Why is the error different since the specification for thw two 
ultimately appears to be the same?


Jim Correia

Received on Thursday, 4 April 2002 13:38:39 UTC