Re: unicode

On Wed, 2001-09-26 at 11:37, David J Mossley wrote:
> I have been trying to validate my webpages, in particular:
> However, the validator does not recognise the unicode number — 
> for em dash.

—, is not the emdash, it is U+0097[0]. The character you are
looking for is U+2014/$#8212/—/"EM DASH". Windows 1252 does
define character number 151 -- 0x97 -- as an EM DASH[1],  but the
Document Character Set for HTML is UNICODE regardless of what the
local platform uses or what the Content Transfer Encoding is (ie.
charset param from the HTTP Content-Type header or META element).

IOW,   you want to replace occurrences of "—" with "—"
or "—".

[0] - <URL:>.
[1] - <URL:>.

Received on Friday, 28 September 2001 05:08:22 UTC