Re: Redirection breaks Revalidate

On 14.09.01 at 01:37, Peter Henderson <> wrote:

>When a URI which redirects to another URI is validated, it is not possible
>to revalidate it using the form at the top of the validation result.

Ack! You're right, we missed that one. Sorry about that, we'll fix it ASAP!
Thanks for the quick catch!

>P.S.: I miss having the links to the CSS Validator, HTML Tidy, mailing
>list, and whatever else at the top of the validation result pages.

It seems we lost the navigation links in the update. I'll see what we can
do about restoring them quickly (I'm not quite sure how to integrate them
in the new design).

Received on Friday, 14 September 2001 13:56:59 UTC