Bunch of validator patches

Hello people,

I sent this message already on saturday but seems one has to be subscribed
to the list before sending, so here it goes again:

I've been hacking around with the current validator source from CVS and
made some patches (attached). The patches are independent of each other
unless otherwise said, here's some notes about them:

- added support for all schemes supported by LWP
  (except 'file' for security reasons)
- tweaked unsupported scheme message
- removed URI::Escape (unused)
- avoid namespace pollution by adding ()'s to use's
- whitespace cleanups

- use host name from environment instead of hardcoded

- added more portability to path names using File::Spec
  ($base_path stuff still not portable)
- use POSIX::tmpnam() for temp file names

- added "8859_1" to list of should-be-replaced charsets
  (example: http://www.jboss.org/)

validator-xhtml.patch (requires validator-protocol.patch):
- XHTML validity and coding style consistency fixes
  (the "default" values for CGI's popup_menu up to 2.78 are broken; like
  selected="1", I've sent a patch for this to the author)
- added "for" attributes to labels so they work in Mozilla
- cleanup of unused DOCTYPEs
- added Content-Language header
- use locally installed validity icons
- cleanup + XHTML output to failed basic authentication message

validator-checklink.patch (checklink.pl only):
- XHTML 1.0 Strict
- avoid namespace pollution by adding ()'s to use's
- removed HTTP::Status (unused)
- whitespace cleanups

- added monospace to pre, code and tt elements for nicer output
- XHTML validity fixes and nicer output to some static files

- added some warnings when closing filehandles fail
- nuked some warnings reported by perl -w

Ville Skyttä
Popsystems Ltd

Received on Monday, 8 October 2001 02:24:12 UTC