Re: validating <table align="right">

* Ben-Nes Michael wrote:
>I checked XHTML and I dont see that table tag accept align.

Element table may have an align attribute in XHTML 1.0 Transitional but
not in XHTML 1.0 Strict or other XHTML family document types, except
XHTML 1.0 Frameset or customized XHTML family document types.

>And it also mess up things in IE, but the validator aprooved this

The validator approves, that the table element messes up things in
Microsoft Internet Explorer? Sorry, maybe it's my lack of communication
skills, but I cannot parse your english properly, sorry.
Björn Höhrmann { }
am Badedeich 7 } Telefon: +49(0)4667/981028 {
25899 Dagebüll { PGP Pub. KeyID: 0xA4357E78 }

Received on Thursday, 25 October 2001 15:06:51 UTC