Re: Problem in HTML, or bug in Wc# validator?


> Sorry if this is the wrong place to send this, but every reference
> I've looked at and everyone I've talked to has said that the following
> SHOULD validate:
> ...but the validator gives the following errors:
>             <h2 id=foo>Test 2</h2>
>                    ^
>         Error: ID "FOO" already defined
>          Line 14, column 9:
>              <h1 id=foo>Test 1</h1>
>                     ^
>         Error: ID "FOO" first defined here
> Any ideas?

you can't use duplicate IDs in one document.

An ID is identifiing exactly one element in a document and must be
unique. Use classes instead.


Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Glenn Kusardi                  

Received on Tuesday, 13 November 2001 05:48:34 UTC