RE: Minimized P valid XHTML?

At 2001-03-29T23:23-0000, Osmo Saarikumpu wrote:-

> Studying this issue it seems that the DTD does not require end tags for any
> element! E.g.:
> <form action="foo">
> <textarea name="test" rows="3" cols="40" />
> </form>
> is valid (even seems to work ok in Opera 5). That being the case, it would
> seem that the validators are correct. Which raises onether question: which
> is normative, the DTD or the Recommendation?

The DTD is a (normative) part of the Recommendation. Strict conformance
with the DTD (i.e. that which is assessed by the W3C validation service)
is necessary for document conformance, but *not sufficient* (Sec. 3.1.1

Tim Bagot

Received on Thursday, 29 March 2001 19:15:14 UTC