Re: validator feedback

At 02:09 +0200 2001-06-23, Terje Bless wrote:
>On 22.06.01 at 09:43, Stephanie Booth <> wrote:
>>The link to "explanation" on validation errors is a great idea. It would
>>also be very useful if the "explanation" page provided links to the
>>recommendation for immediate problem look-up.
>Thanks for the suggestion! I'm not sure we can implement this completely,
>but we can certainly improve it with fairly simple measures. A complete
>implementation would have to track relevant clauses for each error from
>each and every standard that we can validate against, but providing links
>to the most common standards from the error explanations would be doable.

I did it for the CSS validator. It's not implemented yet, but 
Philippe has a file with each error and a link to the right place in 
the spec.

It will be possible to do it for HTML validator if we can control the output.

Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Monday, 25 June 2001 09:00:41 UTC